Jan 1, 2011

Resolution Time

Starting today I am going on a "NO BUY" for clothing. For me this means I will not be clothes shopping any time soon. I have more than enough clothes and anything that I may find I need will be purchased at a thrift store.  The only exception will be in the event that I need a wedding dress or funeral outfit. Neither of these things I plan on happening or would have something to wear to. I will say that my "NO BUY" will end on June 1st. That is 6 months. I do have one built in cheat item. Leggings: My only black pair is a few washings away from a hole in the butt. They will need to be replaced when they go on sale @ target. That's it:) What are all of your new years resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your resolution! You can do it! Mine is sort of a remedial one. Fix screw ups from 2011 - monetary stuff, weight wise stuff, ORGANIZATION is a biggie, etc..
